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The Charge of the second phase of the Faculty Advisory Committee on Sustainability is to enhance long-term development of an integrated sustainability initiative across campus, in association with appropriate partners by,


  • Developing sustainability goals for 2025 and 2030
  • Identifying and reommending actions that will attain 2025 and 2030 goals
  • Establishing annual initiatives and objectives in consultation with the EVC and Provost
  • Identifying priorities for research and teaching within the campus sustainability vision, thus enhacning student success and leveraging opportunities to accelerate achievement of R1 status
  • Advising on academic and research activities that improve campus' sustainability rankings
  • Evaluating strategies for further long-term development of integrated Sustainability planning across the campus, in associationg with appropriate partners
  • Developing grant proposals to support growth of sustainability education and research
  • Coordinating with administration to identify long-term funding opportunities
  • Establishing and enacting objective and inclusive procedures to distribute short and long-term funding forawards, events, seed grants, and communications 
  • Coordinating with campus and system-wide committees on sustainability to achieve UC goals, 
  • Recommending mechanisms for Phase 3 of the sustainability initiative 


2018-2019 : Phase I (Planning)

The charge for the initial planning phase of the Faculty Advisory Committee on Sustainability (FACS) is to:

Gather information on faculty interest

Advise the Provost on priorities for programming

Identify opportunities for philanthropy

Increase communication on and about Sustainability 

Establish the scope of the next governance phase of FACS. (The goal of the governance phase is to continue as a mechanism for encouraging long-term development of integrated Sustainability planning across the campus, in association with appropraite partners. 

2020 - Onward : Phase II

The charge for the second 'governance' phase of the Faculty Advisory Committee on Sustainability (FACS) is to continue as a mechanism for encouraging long-term development of integrated Sustainability planning across the campus in association with appropriate partners. The exact charge and committee operation is TBD during the planning phase.