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Biodiversity Projects on Campus

Showcasing the productive relationship between biodiversity and people

2022 - 2023

Biodiversity Signage Project

John Newton, Joy Beccai, Belinda Braunstein, Jessica Malisch, Martiza Ramirez, Isabella Segarra, Allajah Wheatley

This project will create biodiversity signage identifying purposeful landscaping on campus, i.e., drought-resistant plants, native plants, and indigenous trees using it's Latin name, common name, and a brief description of the purpose, use, unique characteristics, and benefits. The SRE/ACS Courtyard will be the space showcased with the plant signs. Signage for additional flora and fauna on campus can be determined based on funding availability and will be adapted to include poster/brochure printing for local fauna (birds and non-birds) and website development.

The signage will provide resources highlighting important biodiversity on campus, available on Sustainability Tours provided by the Office of Sustainability/Admissions given to campus guests and prospective students and their families, showcasing sustainability on the UC Merced Campus to the community.


Earth Day Goodie Bags to Inspire
On Earth Day, share goodie bags filled with homemade seed bombs using native seeds and dirt wrapped in biodegradable clay, seed starters, handmade pots, tea bags, and other Earth Day-themed items. – Claire Jones & Alpha Phi Omega (the Community Service Fraternity)